Olympic Incline Bench – TW 1002

The TW 1002 Olympic Incline Bench by Into Wellness is used to target the upper pectoralis major muscle; while the deltoids also get engaged and actively utilized at this angle, during the workout.

Key Attributes:

  • Weight horns for weight-plate storage.
  • Platform for the spotter to stand.
  • Adjustable seat to accommodate different users.
  • Sturdy stand that holds the barbell efficiently with weight plates. 


  • The primary benefit is that it provides a platform for the trainer to stand and support the user while performing the exercise; making it convenient for both the user and the trainer to effectively perform the exercise. 
  • This bench helps in strengthening and developing the upper pectoral muscles.

Technical Specifications:

Size: (LxWxH) 1820X1350X1300 MM

Net weight: 65 KG

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